Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hello Kitty Sugar Cookies

The Hello Kitty cookie tutorial is courtesy of

To make these cookies you will need:
  • Black and White piping icing
  • Red and yellow 20-second icing
  • white flood icing
  • a PUSH-PIN…Is the suspense killing you yet?
Now, we’re ready to go…pardon the pics, it was a semi-cloudy day, but with how hot things have been around here lately, I not going to complain.  To begin, use red twenty-second icing to add the middle of the bow.  Put it right smack dab between the two points on either side of Kitty’s right ear {well, technically her LEFT ear, but my right}.  If you are having trouble visualizing where it should be, imagine or draw a diagonal line where with a food color marker to serve as a guide. 
Let the middle section dry for about 20 minutes, then come back and add the loops.

Let that dry for about an hour, longer if you have bleeding issues, then outline and fill Kitty’s face.  Let this part dry completely, as in overnight.
The next day you’ll need the kitty face you made, dry cookies, and the push-pin. Lay the image over the cookie, and use the pin to mark where the eyes and nose should be.  I know it’s awful, but this always gives me the giggles.  Seeing poor kitty stabbed in the eye, strikes me as funny.  Maybe I need some sort of therapy or something but really, it gives me déjà vu.  I’ve used this techniques before, in my Lego Man Post and the eye stabbing thing was just as funny.

After the violence is over, you’ll be left with the exact blueprint of HK’s face.  Cool, right?!
After that use the black piping icing to make the eyes and to outline the bow.  Because of the way we did it, all you have to do is go around the circle and give it two little “ears”.    Use the yellow TSI for her nose.
To finish up, outline the rest of the bow, and add whiskers.  This is also easier than it might look.  The middle whiskers are even with Kitty’s eyes.  Add those first and the rest are a breeze .

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